Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SCSEP Names Techniform Industries as 2011 Ohio Employer Champion

Human Resource Manager Wendy Robinette with Cliff Robinette
Receive 2011 Ohio Employer Champion Award from SCSEP

Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Names Techniform Industries as 2011 Ohio Employer Champion

Techniform Named 2011 Ohio Employer Champion

SCSEP Contact: Kent Kahn, 419-222-3118, ext 1
Experience Works, Inc.
Ohio Kent Kahn State Director
401 W. North St., Suite 242 • Lima, OH 45801
Phone 419-222-3118 • Fax 419-222-4150

Experience Works, the nation's largest organization serving older workers through the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), named Techniform Industries, Inc. of Fremont, Ohio as the 2011 Ohio Employer Champion. Techniform Industries is recognized for its leadership and commitment to developing strong business partnerships with Experience Works and hiring older workers

Founded in 1972, Techniform Industries is a family owned and operated company that produces custom plastic thermoformed components for a wide variety of industries. With more than half of its employees over the age of 50, Techniform Industries values older workers. "Techniform values older workers and finds them to have a solid work ethic that greatly impacts day-to-day business and its customers," according to Human Resource Manager Wendy Robinette. The company even contracts with several of its retired employees to come back and assist with special projects. "It makes sense," Robinette said. "We value their knowledge and expertise. We know we can depend on them to do the best job possible."

Former Experience Works Senior Community Service Employment Program participant Joyce Miller was hired by Techniform Industries as a full-time receptionist.  She was unemployed for more than a year before enrolling with Experience Works.  It had been two months since she received her last unemployment check.

While with EW Joyce trained for five months at the Fremont Job Store where she helped other unemployed Sandusky County residents look for work. At 58 years-old, Joyce is thrilled with her new job and is grateful for the family-friendly atmosphere. 

Experience Works Ohio State Director Kent Kahn says employers across Ohio have found that hiring older workers makes good business sense. "Older workers are versatile, have excellent skills, a strong work ethic, and are committed to helping their employers succeed."These highly successful partnerships thrive as a result of the Experience Works SCSEP. Through the program, out of work low-income seniors provide community services at non-profit agencies. While there, the older workers upgrade their skills so they can be competitive in today'sjob market. Employers who recruit SCSEP participants for their job vacancies report high levels of satisfaction with the individuals they hire.

Unfortunately, federal budget cuts have decreased the numbers of people who can be helped through the SCSEP and waiting lists are growing.
"In the months ahead, we hope that policy makers will recognize the extreme value of the SCSEP and spare it from the chopping block," said Kahn. For more information visit